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ICAgile Certified Professional - Leading with Agility In New York City

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The Agile Leadership Masterclass is an experiential learning program with the primary objective to make learners efficient in leading organizations and teams in today’s uncertain times. This course focuses on developing leaders who are adaptive and agile in their leadership style. The participants of this workshop will learn to lead themselves first and create an environment that will allow the agility to thrive. In New York City

In New York City

The Agile Leadership Masterclass is valuable to anyone wishing to learn about the paradigm shifts necessary to lead in adaptive environments and to develop relevant leadership capabilities. This certification course is relevant for: Current or aspiring leaders at any level in an organization, Leaders who see the value of growing an agile organiSation, and are committed to developing themselves as agile leaders in order to achieve that aim, People who aspire to lead in an organization towards business agility, Current and Aspiring Scrum Masters or Agile Coaches In New York City

Key Features of ICAgile Certified Professional - Leading with Agility In New York City

  • 2 Days Online/Classroom Training
  • Practical Knowledge with Role Plays, Games, Simulations, etc.
  • Agile Leadership Journey book
  • 14 PDUs from PMI (Project Management Institute)
  • ICAgile Certification Fee Included

Trainings Scheduled

No upcoming trainings in this city..!

Organizations need to optimize for increased innovation and accelerated learning to survive and continue to remain relevant. Examples of effective capabilities used for agility are:

• An innovative culture: An organization-wide mindset to seek and explore, and a cross-functional ability to quickly spark, develop, and implement new ideas.

• A nurturing collaborative environment: a work environment where workers are inspired, and they can thrive and create.

• The ability to continuously adapt: The ability to adaptively respond to rapidly changing external conditions, including the ability to continuously evolve value streams, product, and strategy. Continuous adaption extends beyond the incremental improvement of discrete processes to include broader, deeper, enterprise-wide change.

• Organizational learning and sense-making: A systemic capability to sense the unfiltered, often-chaotic external environment and then make sense of it by synthesizing diverse perspectives into coherent accounts capable of driving decisions, innovation, and policy. Traditionally leadership instructs the rest of the organization. In the learning organization, the rest of the organization instructs leadership.

• Continuous engagement: The ability to stay engaged and aligned with employees, customers, partners, and other stakeholders, even as internal and

external conditions continuously change. Relying on a few, fixed communication pathways for the sake of efficiency no longer suffice when conditions are emergent, the source of meaningful signals is unpredictable and structure is dynamic. 

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